Thursday 11th April 2013: Matthew 18:10-14

Jesus continues to urge the disciples to be like little children who welcome little children (those who are great in the Kingdom). In Matthew 18 he shows them the importance of that through the compassion and priority of the Father’s actions.

Read: Matthew 18:10-14

How does the Father show his compassion for “these little ones”?

What underlies his concern for them?

How then are the disciples to respond to children of God?

Think for a minute – are there children of God that you look down and despise? What is wrong in our thinking when we do that?

What would it look like for us to be like our Father in our compassion for fellow children of God? 

Pray: Thank God that he loves and cares for his “little ones”.  Repent of when we have despised other “little ones” in the kingdom and pray for help to have the Father’s loving concern for them.

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